Fees and Charges

Our fees and charges are clearly displayed in our office and we will guarantee to offer our services at reasonable cost, no matter which services you select. Funeral costs can vary considerably depending on which funeral service provider you choose for the same service at the same crematorium. 

Usually independent providers like ourselves are much cheaper than any of the large national providers and offer a much more personal service to the families they serve.

Typical Pricing And Information

Most clients visualise a traditional funeral as including the removal of the deceased from the place of death, professional fees, preparation of the deceased including embalming, use of visitation room, hearse, limousine, cortege via local address, provision of bearers, service in the Crematorium Chapel and returning the mourners to their home or place where they would be having after funeral venue. 

In order for us to facilitate this our charges are as follows:

  • Removal of deceased
  • Professional charges in connection with arranging the funeral and funeral directors fees
  • Oak veneer coffin fully fitted for cremation with handles, name plate, satin gown dressing complete 
  • Crematorium Fee
  • You have the choice of ashes to be scattered in crematorium garden of remembrance or personally returned to your home address in a suitable container

The Scottish Funeral Support Payment

You may be entitled to The Scottish Funeral Support Payment if you get certain benefits and need help to pay for a funeral. To make a claim, Click Here for further information.

Areas We Serve

We cover all crematoriums, burial grounds including, places of worship across Scotland

Our Ethos

Our aim is to support our clients, their families and friends in a time of need with empathy and a caring approach. We balance our experience and the traditional values drawn from our heritage with the wishes of the deceased and their family and the obligations when a death occurs It’s this personal approach, experience-led advice, open and clear communication around all the arrangements that sets us apart.

We're available 24 hours 365 days a year

Normal working hours are defined as: 9.00 am - 5.00 pm Monday to Friday. 9.00 am - 1.00 pm Saturday and Sunday by appointment.

Freephone 0800 448 0914 visit us or arrange a home visit

We're available 24 hours 365 days a year